Hidden Benefits

Aug 13, 2021

I want to teach you about what can happen in your life when you start to track the moon today.

When I first started tracking the moon to create my life by design & epic dream life, I couldn't believe what I started to notice!

I was working and forcing less, but life was just getting better & easier.

Since I started moon tracking I have felt more inflow and in tune with my intuition than ever before.

And I have ticked off every single item on my wild ideas action board - I can’t explain it to you, it’s so bizarre but it’s definitely not a coincidence!

You might find that something you’ve always yearned for appears. Or you might find that you cultivate some type of abundance or gratitude for something you’ve never noticed before.

It becomes a really joyful process, and the more you do it the more you’ll start to feel that abundance flows freely towards you.

But what caught me off-guard in this whole journey, was how teaching and helping people get what they want in their life actually changed the quality of my life too.

Sure I’ve been able to make a lot of money, travel regularly, move into my dream house, marry my soul-mate and so much more…

BUT the real hidden benefit has been the fulfillment I get when I see someone else start manifesting their own dream life.

And that is what it’s really about for me.

I’m guessing if you’re here, then you’re interested in those things too.

If so, then you need to keep an eye out for the next opening of my Moon Magic course. I only open the doors 1-2 times per year.

It’s a 12-month journey through the 12 zodiacal themes and each moon cycle teaches you how to attract & harness more abundance in your life according to what energy and magic is happening in the sky at that very moment.

And it’s the exact system I used to go from stressed and broke, to abundant and thriving.

So be sure to keep an eye out for that launch soon! If you'd like to be the first one to know about it you can join my waitlist here.

In the meantime, keep stepping into your flow.

It’s always there for you :)

Chani x