How Does Moon Tracking Actually Work?

Aug 13, 2021

Chances are you've got my moon tracking calendar & you might be wondering, how does moon tracking actually work?

The process of moon tracking is very somatic - it’s feeling-based and there are new themes each month around the 12 zodiac signs.

Each month is different, one month might be a financial abundance theme but the next month will be about romantic abundance or creative abundance.

One thing to note is we can’t go into this blind - this is something I learned in the beginning.

When I started moon tracking, I went in blind and was thinking:

“Cool, what’s the theme this month?
Awesome, it’s romance - definitely setting an intention around romance this month.”

And because of this, my results were slow.

What I then realized was that every single month was a great opportunity for you to expand one of your Wild Ideas.

For those of you who don’t know, A Wild Idea (W.I)  is one of your big, wild goals & there is a detailed goal-setting activity I do with my private members.

On my action board (otherwise known as a vision board to some), I have images of things I really want to attract in life - my visions, my mission, what & who I want to be, have, do, learn, etc. - these are examples of W.I goals.

This W. I process is broken down into the MANY different areas of your life such as:

  • Confidence & Leadership
  • Intuition & Spirituality
  • Hope & Progress
  • Career & Vocation
  • Wisdom & Travel
  • Transformation & Forgiveness
  • Relationships & Love
  • Health & Habits
  • Creativity & Fun
  • Home & Family
  • Mindset & Community
  • Money & Self-worth

If you don’t have wild ideas & goals, I really urge you to come up with some before diving into moon tracking - it’ll be so much more powerful if you have a solid vision for what you want your next year to be like.

For you to manifest your wild ideas, you have to work towards them in little incremental steps, month by month. Inside Moon Magic, we use the 12 themes of the 12 zodiac signs.

Every month is a little step closer to your wildly successful dream life.

And no, this isn't about looking at a vision board, repeating mindless affirmations, or writing what you want to cultivate in your life - it's so much deeper than that.

Instead, it’s about arriving there, before what you want shows up.

Its about knowing within every cell of your being that you deserve to have a stunning, inspiring, meaningful role to play on this planet and your epic life is waiting.

And through my moon magic process, in particular my Wild Ideas activity, you're going to feel things a little deeper for perhaps the first time… and don't worry, I’m not going to make you cry (on purpose anyway 😝)

In my next blog post, I’m going to share the exciting link between the moon and abundance.

You won’t want to miss it!

Chani x