My Back Story

Aug 13, 2021

"How Did I Get Here?"

In 2014 I was a registered nurse working 50 hours a week just to make ends meet…

I had a maxed out credit card hanging over my shoulders, I was overworked and living pay cheque to pay cheque.

I had made some bad decisions while studying at university like getting a credit card and spending money on silly things like clothes, partying and outings.

So by the time I finished my degree and started working, I was under a lot of financial pressure.

I didn't have the circle of influence or mentors around me to teach me how to spend wisely, how to pay back credit cards or how to budget or even save.

So money was a big void in my life back then…

I had to work oncall shifts, night shifts and weekends just to make ends meet, even though I knew it was not sustainable for my health.

I dreamt about things like living close to the beach, having nice things, having the freedom to travel & spoiling my loved ones but that reality was very far away from actually happening.

At the same time all this was happening, I discovered the power of astrology and it was a fun hobby to learn about.

I began to find ancient literature around moon cycles, tracking the moon, being in tune with the seasons, and harnessing the energy at different phases to cultivate abundance in your life.

It just totally blew me away!

The thought of being able to create my life by design where I would work for myself, have no debt and leave my nursing career became so exciting that I dove right into studying astrology and following the ancient practice of moon tracking.

It wasn’t until I had learned enough about the practice, that I realized…

“This is my ticket out of financial stress & living my epic dream life”

And just a couple of years later after applying the Moon principles, I had paid off all my debt and was making enough passive income from my wellness business to leave my nursing job.

Before I knew it, I was traveling the world with more flexibility, time felt like it had expanded and I had manifested my soulmate into my life who is now my husband!

Would you like to know what I discovered in these few years?

Are you interested in how I was able to go from a broke, burnt-out nurse, to having a secure savings account, and slow mornings on the beach with my dream man + baby French bulldog?

If so, stay tuned for the next launch week of Moon Magic. I always hold a free masterclass or Q&A sessions to get all your questions answered.

I’m going to show you exactly how you can use this practice to get similar results in your life.

Chani x