Setting New Moon Intentions

Aug 16, 2021

When it comes to setting your new moon intention, there are some best practices you need to keep in mind so that your wildest epic life can come to fruition.

These are the basic principles...

  • The intention is always to be made about you - your intention can’t be about what someone else is going to do or hoping something for someone else - it needs to be about the abundance you're cultivating in your life


  • Make it 100% positive - be careful with your words and always start with creating something, rather than avoiding something. It’s about being open. So instead of “My debt is cleared away” It’s about “I invite financial abundance allowing flow and ease”.


  • Make it themed - don’t focus on a specific goal or concrete thing. We focus our intention around the zodiac theme of that New Moon and place small steps towards a larger goal.

So... this is so crazy - one of my biggest wildest goals was to stand in front of thousands of people and speak publicly. I used to be terrified of this - the thought of speaking in front of a large crowd scared the heck out of me but I don't know why I wanted it so badly?

I loved the feeling of educating and serving others on a large scale like that I guess, that's what brought me to tears of gratitude when I thought about it.

I had this image on my vision board, but I also weaved it into my new moon intention throughout some months.

Later that year, my first invite to speak on stage was in the USA at a conference with over 8000 people in the crowd.

Since then, I’ve spoken hundreds of times in front of many thousands of people.

I’ll never forget the time I traveled to Las Vegas for a yearly conference my team and I go to each year, it's called GoPro and it's a global event specific for my industry. It was my third year there and there were about 12,000 people from all around the world coming together (it was inside The MGM garden arena). One of their social media panelists had to cancel 2 hours before the start of the event so as I was lining up in my Nike kicks, baggy jumper, and messy bun (I'm all about comfort at conferences) & I was asked if I would be able to take her place.

I literally cried! What a dream come true. I always dreamed of sharing on an international stage! I just thought it would happen later in my career. It was truly such an honor to speak on the same stage as some of my idols that night like Magic Johnson, John Maxwell & Les Brown.


Here is the thing though... I felt this goal so intensely before it happened for such a long time thanks to my Moon Magic practice. I'd visualize it nearly daily... I’d feel my hand holding the microphone, looking into the crowd as my heart started to race, I envisioned where I was standing on the stage, and how I felt in the outfit I was wearing.

People were coming up to me afterward and asking me if I was nervous speaking in front of all those people… and the truth was I wasn’t nervous at all! For me, I had played that moment over and over again in my mind so many times - it felt as though I’d been there before so many times.

It was so familiar.

So that’s just one example of the power of moon tracking & cultivating your wildest dreams in action!

I have so many cool stories like this but, don’t worry, hang around long enough and you'll start experiencing these stories yourself!

Chani x

P.S make sure you stay in the MM loop... Join The Moon Magic Waitlist - if you haven’t already to be the first to hear when we open our doors next for this beautiful 12-month program - Join Here